How CUSD can empower a future of cross-chain liquidity: A Recap
How CUSD can empower a future of cross-chain liquidity: A Recap
CUSD has hosted the first AMA session between Ninety Eight and Stably to discuss the cross-chain liquidity future of CUSD which starts as a stablecoin initiative on Viction. The Twitter Space was hosted by Minh Ho, Head of Business Development at Ninety Eight, gathering two industry leaders - Thanh Le, Co-founder of Ninety Eight, and Kory Hoang, CEO of Stably to decode the future of CUSD and how this stablecoin can serve as a liquidity layer for emerging blockchains.
3 min read
Introducing CUSD: A Fresh Update Empowering The Cross-Chain Economy
Introducing CUSD: A Fresh Update Empowering The Cross-Chain Economy
CUSD (symbol: CUSD), the stablecoin issued by Stably and sponsored by Ninety Eight, has now been released with the ambition of becoming the next liquidity solution for the cross-chain economy. Formerly recognized as “Coin98 Dollar,” CUSD incorporates fresh mechanisms and enhancements, aiming to bring a positive impact to the financial landscape.
4 min read